Legal notices

Identification of website publisher


Corporate form: Sàrl
Share capital: 12,500 Euros
Registered office: 54 Route d’Arlon, L-8008 Strassen
Tel: +352  22 11 81 26
Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register: B 8047
VAT Identification No.: LU 11928828

Identification of the website developer, hosting company and SEO specialist

Powered by:

Corporate form: S.A.
Registered office: 208, rue de Noertzange –  L-3670 Kayl
Tel: +352 49 60 51 1

Made by:
Digital Agency

Corporate form: S.A.
Share capital: 31,000 Euros
Registered office: 15, rue de l’industrie – L-8069 Bertrange
Tel: +352 26 25 90 92-1
Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register: B147120

The website is hosted by REACHTHEFIRST on its servers.


The purpose of this website is to provide information about the activities and services of Autolux.

By visiting the website, you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions of use.

Intellectual property

The general structure and the software, texts, photos, animated and static images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other constituent elements of this website are the exclusive property of REACHTHEFIRST, AUTOLUX and its partners.

By using this website, you agree to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection and Privacy Act, breach of which is liable to criminal prosecution.

Any full or partial representation of this website by any means is prohibited without the publisher’s express authorisation and would constitute an infringement.

This also applies to databases on the website which are protected by the provisions of the Luxembourg Law of 18 April 2004 amending the law of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases.

The Autolux trademark and trade name and the logos on the website are registered trademarks or its partners’ property.

Any full or partial reproduction of these trademarks or these logos using elements from the website without Autolux’s express authorisation is therefore prohibited.

Editorial content

The website makes every possible effort to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate and up-to-date, and accepts no liability for any vagueness, inaccuracy or omission as well as for damages resulting from any fraudulent entry by a third party leading to changes in the information provided.

The website’s editorial content is for informative purposes and is non-binding, and can be changed without recourse or notice.

Under no circumstances does this information constitute an assertion, guarantee or any commitment from the publisher.

Users’ rights and responsibilities

Users of this website acknowledge that they have the skills and means required to access and use this site and have checked that the computer system used does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.

Users are informed that during their visits, the website collects information used to compile traffic statistics. A cookie may be automatically installed on their browser.

Cookies are blocks of data which do not enable users to be identified, but which serve to record information relating to their navigation on the website.

Personal information on the website is collected in accordance with the current regulations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg pertaining to Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties.

In accordance with current regulations, Users are entitled to access, rectify or delete their personal data by contacting the website publisher. To facilitate the exercise of these rights, Users can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe hypertext links on the bottom of the sent e-mails.

Hypertext links

The hypertext links to other Internet resources included in this website have been subject to prior, express and written authorisation. Users of the website may not set up a hypertext link to the website without the publisher’s prior, express and written authorisation.

Service availability

The Publisher is bound by a best-efforts obligation in terms of service accessibility and takes all the necessary measures to make the website available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

The Publisher may, nevertheless, suspend access to the website without notice, in particular for maintenance and upgrading reasons and under no circumstances can it be held liable for any resulting damage.

Applicable law

These legal notices are subject to Luxembourg law.